How To Run A Network Marketing Business As An Introvert?

“I am an introvert.”
“I don’t have much friends and networking to talk to about my products/services.”
Does it all sound familiar?
Yo!! I am an introvert too. All of my friends, including my husband, never thought that I would be involved in network marketing.
We all know that network marketing has many benefits such as flexible hours, can work from home, potential residual income and many more.
Does that mean we are not able to enjoy the benefits of network marketing business simply because we are introverts?
No. Not at all. You can still enjoy the benefits of network marketing business as an introvert.
Here’s how…
How To Run A Network Marketing Business As An Introvert?
#1. Believe and love the products/services you are selling
We all are using some kinds of products. It could be household cleaning products, health supplements, skincare and so on.
Instead of spending money buying these products from the mall outlets that don’t give you a chance of earning, why not use the products from network marketing companies that allow you to earn from their products?
Most people have the misconception that involvement in a network marketing business will lose money. No. Spending money on products from the mall is losing money. Because you are spending on something that doesn’t allow you to earn from their products.
In network marketing, if you do your research, you will be surprised to find good quality products at a very reasonable price.
For years, I have been spending money on skincare that doesn’t solve my skin problems. Not until I found my current skincare product from a network marketing company. The anti-aging skincare that I am using from my network marketing company is almost the same price range, or even cheaper than the skincare from the malls and facial salons. And most importantly, it solves my years of skin problems! Finally!
That’s why I love it and trust the products so much!
So, the first thing is you must believe and love the products. When there’s congruence, it will be much easier for you.
#2.Networking on social media
The last thing an introvert wants to do is actively going to all kinds of business events, handing out a bunch of name cards, and starting pitching about your products/services.
It feels really awkward to introverts.
Thanks to the social media that we are having now. With social media, it allows us to network and makes friends in a natural and authentic way.
But here’s the thing – do not post your products on social media and turn them into advertising boards. No. That will turn your friends away.
Nobody likes to go to social media only to see all the advertisements from their friends. We go to social media to chit-chat, to get updates about our friends’ life, thoughts, jokes and so on. So, be social.
Share more fun and valuable content instead, be an encourager, talk about anything such as your kids, your life…. Let people know you and trust you more. People buy from those that they know and trust.
Do not post your products on social media and turn them into advertising boards. #workfromhome #homebusiness #homebusinesstips #social media Click To Tweet#3. Send text messages instead of phone calls
Years ago, cold calling is what all network marketers must do. But today, most people prefer to have a conversation via chat messages instead of phone calls.
Text messages are not so threatening compared to phone calls. It lets your friends decide to reply when they are convenient. It’s not pushy and not irritating compared to phone calls.
One great benefit of using text messages is that you could send out a bunch of messages quickly in a short period of time. You may chat with a few people all at the same time. It saves time and is very doable, especially if you are already busy with your current commitments/schedule.
#4. Set up a blog (optional)
If you are savvy and know how to set up a blog, this is a great way to let people know you more and trust you. As mentioned above, people buy from those that they know and trust.
Why set up a blog? Because your social media doesn’t belong to you. Your Facebook account is not yours. Your Instagram account is not yours. If you lost your social media accounts, you could lose all your social media content (aka your posts). A blog prevents that from happening. If you lost your social media accounts, you would still have all your content on your blog.
However, set up a blog is not the key focus. It’s optional. Your key focus should be on social media networking and all other income-producing activities. Set up a blog only if you already know how to do it.
#5. Use automated Facebook chatbot (optional)
Similar to setting up a blog. This is optional.
If you are savvy and know how to use a chatbot, you may use this to automate some of your messages and follow-ups. For this, you would need to have a Facebook Business Page.
I use ManyChat chatbot to automate some of my messages. If you check out my website, you would see that I automate my messages on my business inquiry and freebies page.
#6. Encourage Yourself To Grow
Network marketing is the best self-development course ever, and it’s free!
Network marketing is the best self-development course ever, and it’s free! #workfromhome #homebusiness #homebusinesstips #networkmarketing #selfdevelopment Click To TweetI used to attend many different self-development seminars. It gave me excitement for a few days. But it didn’t last. Why? Because there are no goals and no actions after the seminars.
Network marketing is very different. To succeed in this business, it requires a change in our mindset and perspectives. It requires us to step out of our comfort zone. So, those that involve in network marketing would usually grow positively naturally.
To succeed, you don’t have to change overnight. No. All you need is just to start small.
Start with small action goals. Instead of forcing yourself to invite 10 people to check out your products/services, you can start by inviting just 2 or 3 people.
Start small by focusing on taking small actions every day, and not to focus on the result. Focus on what you can learn from taking action, and slowly improve from there.
Focus on improving yourself by just 1% every day. One year later, you will be surprised to see yourself improve by 365%. Hooray!
Focus on improving yourself by just 1% every day. One year later, you will be surprised to see yourself improve by 365%. #workfromhome #homebusiness #networkmarketing #selfdevelopment Click To TweetAnd don’t forget to celebrate your 1% improvement. You can celebrate it by eating something that you love, or simply share your excitement on Facebook. That’s how you are networking on social media! See, as mentioned in Point #2 above, it’s so natural and authentic!
By now, I hope this post helps to clear your doubts. Go, step into network marketing, and start enjoying the income benefits and flexible working time that you deserve!
(Photo Credit: Igor Cancarevic on Unsplash)
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1. Work From Home – Learn More Here
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2. Motivational Gallery – Click Here
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